Swirling sparks from bursted stars spinning in unbounded
Complex carbon coalesced upon a pretty pinwheel's
Within our cooling sphere she slept, til dawn's watered
When from the deep cradle, electrolytic magic transformed
the sea to blood
Goddess of the double helix, spirit infused matter
Being, feeling, wanting, knowing…many and one, great
and small
Desire beyond thought, reaching toward some future
state of being
Toward some realm beyond the weary weight of entropy
Bacterium, worm, clam, crustacean, invertebrate, vertebrate
And even glorious thunder-lizard basking in the light
Once swam and crawled and strode against the heavy
All fallen now to Newton's merciless machine
The dead clock unwinding let fall its lethal burden
Bringing down the house of blood and bone
Oh woe to Earth! Her forests, her teeming oceans,
her myriad creatures
Gone, and gone, and gone once more, leaving only traces
in black slate
From the secret place of healing yet again Gaea rose
At her bidding furtive primate stood and left the
With mind and clever grasping hand tamed fire, bent
iron to her will
Now billion-eyed, she scans heaven, armed against
the hammer blows of doom.
Michael Drumm